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2021-03-19 作者: 来源:四川美术学院 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 舍,为四川美术学院-林晃毅、邓雅露、吕彦慧2021神灯奖申报设计曙光奖产品。


Humble Abode




舍,其一,市居曰舍;其二,置也,弃也。舍弃现代标准化材料的便利以及过多的形式,以校园中随处可见的天然材料来构建框架结构,以谦虚的姿态介入空间,即为舍。作为竹框架纸面构造的光艺术装置作品,以自然与传统的材料构建出几何形式的构造,来重现传统建筑中灯光透出纸窗的视觉体验。此外还可以通过上下方灯带的不同步色温呼吸渐变来混合出丰富的光色,渲染出丰富的动态空间氛围。 About “舍“, as a chinese polyphonic acter, means abode ; In the other hand, it means abandon. Abandoning the convenience of modern standardized materials and excessive forms, to build the frame structure with natural materials which can be seen everywhere in the campus. So that it can get into the space with a modest attitude, and it becomes the "Abode withing abandoning". As a light installation, through the internal light belt and rice paper surface, to reproduce the visual experience of light through paper windows in eastern traditional architecture. Besides, as the asynonous color temperature of breathing light, it can render various atmosphere with changeable light colors and dynamic effects.


框架:直径2-4cm竹杆。表面:八尺全开洒金生宣。光源:LED灯带(额定电压:220V、频率:50Hz、120灯珠/米) Frame: bamboo pole 2-4cm in diameter. Surface: eight feet full-size rice paper with sprinkle golden patch. Light source: LED belt (rated voltage: 220 V, frequency of A.C. : 50 Hz, 120 LED beads / Metre)


整体以竹子作为体系核心,向内呈三角式倾斜集拢支撑排列,使得框架本身具有一种序列美。而在框架结构上,采用竹子斜向削尖开口,制造角度以相互结合。 在视觉效果上,通过宣纸,将灯带所发的光柔和地发散到空间中。并充分利用灯带的呼吸渐变色功能,通过不同步的变色,用简单的设备营造出无限种色光氛围。 且在材料上,作为课程作业,考虑到在未来需要拆解等情况,使用校园中随处可见的竹和可回收利用的宣纸以及灯带,可使对环境造成伤害可以降到最低。 Bamboo,as the core of the whole enclosure system, which is inclined to the inside and arranged in a triangle, so that the frame itself has a kind of sequential beauty. In the frame structure, there are bamboo with oblique cut, so that they can combine with each other. In the visual effect, through rice paper, the light, emit the LED belt, is gently diffused into the space. And through such simple devices, creates changeable light color and dynamic atmosphere, with the asynonous color changing. Whats more, as a course assignment, considering the need for disassembly in the future, the use of bamboo, which can be seen everywhere in the campus, recyclable rice paper and LED belt can minimize the waste and damage to the environment.


四川美术学院公共艺术学院位于四川美术学院黄桷坪校区,已有70余年办学历史。校区内拥有齐备的教学资源,完善的课程体系、良好的艺术氛围和深厚历史积淀的校园环境。 学院立足重庆、服务西南、面向全国,聚焦中国城市化进程,服务新时代城市更新和文化复兴,深耕城市美学,致力于人才培养,努力建设成为在城市艺术设计领域,学科专业一体化协同发展,具有鲜明特色和区域影响力的艺术设计学院。坚持“以本为本”,以公共艺术和城市设计跨界融合为特色,以教育教学、科研创作为核心,以“产学研”服务经济社会发展,培养高素质、创新性、应用型专门艺术设计人才。学院设有公共艺术和艺术与科技2个专业,开设城市空间艺术设计、城市形象艺术设计、城市文化艺术设计、城市照明艺术设计、游戏艺术设计5个专业方向。学院现有教职工92人,专任教师58人,具有博士学位的教师13人,教授、副教授15人。


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