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2021-03-19 作者: 来源:郑州轻工业大学 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 沐光——一间米酒工作室空间照明设计,郑州轻工业大学-李庆港、黄玉婷(指教教师:范雨,贾琦)2021神灯奖申报设计曙光奖产品。



Muguang—— a rice wine studio space lighting design




我一直觉得享受最高的原则,就是创造质朴感展现的自然美,享受自由淳朴的乡村生活。通过灯光,不过分地渲染氛围,充分利用模仿自然光,把建筑最本质地一面表现出来。选取了一栋住宅改造成一间米酒工作室兼住宅建筑,同时希望能帮助这一传统产业发展壮大,使老夏甜米酒向规模化产业化发展。打造了一处建筑、田园、游客可以同步进行“多维呼吸”的公共空间。 I have always felt that the highest principle of enjoyment is to create a sense of simplicity to show the natural beauty, enjoy free and simple ry life. Through the light, but not too much to render the atmosphere, make full use of imitation of natural light, the most essential aspect of the building to show. Selected a residential converted into a rice wine studio and residential building, at the same time hope to help this traditional industry to develop and develop, so that the old summer sweet rice wine to large-scale industrialization. Create a building, idyllic, visitors can simultaneously carry out "multi-dimensional breathing" of the public space.


室内多媒体投影仪、DMX512以及筒灯、条形灯、洗墙灯、吊灯、射灯、壁灯等各类灯具。 Indoor multimedia projectors, DMX512, downlights, strip lights, wall washers, chandeliers, spotlights, wall lights and other lamps.


现如今越来越多的店铺会关注室内灯光的设计,但是很少会想到和中国乡村一些古建筑结合起来。这个光环境设计是一个动态的,并且有深刻内涵的设计。 Nowadays more and more shops will pay attention to the design of indoor lighting, but rarely think of combining some of the ancient buildings in rural China. This light environment design is a dynamic and profound design.


在空间布局上,保留了老建筑的中间挑高部分,在进入庭院后让人首先进入一个米酒文化生活体验馆,弱化传统工作室的固有模式,给人轻松、愉悦的空间体验。空间上注重公共的分享和动线的流畅,鼓励和创造环境让来这里的人们体验传统米酒制作手法。在照明设计中,不过分地渲染氛围,充分利用模仿自然光,把建筑最本质地一面表现出来。 In the spatial layout, retains the dle high part of the old building, after entering the courtyard let people first enter a rice wine cultural life experience hall, weakening the traditional studios inherent mode, giving people a relaxed and pleasant space experience. The space focuses on the smoothness of public sharing and dynamic lines, encouraging and creating an environment in which people who come here can experience traditional rice wine making techniques. In the lighting design, the atmosphere is rendered without too much, making full use of imitation of natural light to show the most essential side of the building.


随着现代生活节奏加快,人们很难静心享受当下美好的时光,这间米酒工作室,致力于每个人不仅能静心享受一杯米酒的光阴,也能轻松进入冥想体验空间,挥洒感知,与内心对话。它是一个休息之所,一个酒文化空间,更是一种生活方式的真实演绎。任凭进入者多种状态,任君挑选,随意切换,自行寻找最贴切的答案。 As the pace of modern life accelerates, its hard to quietly enjoy the good times of the moment, and this rice wine studio is dedicated to everyone not only quietly enjoying a glass of rice wine, but also easily entering the meditation experience space, spoulking perception, and dialogue with the heart. It is a resting place, a wine culture space, but also a true interpretation of the way of life. Let the enterer a variety of states, Ren Jun pick, random switch, find their own most appropriate answer.


李庆港、黄玉婷,郑州轻工业大学艺术设计学院2017级环境艺术设计学生。 LI QING GANG、HUANG YU TING,2017 Environmental Art Design Student, School of Art and Design, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry. 郑州轻工业大学创建于1977年,时名郑州轻工业学院,原隶属国家轻工业部;1998年转属河南省人民政府,同年获批硕士学位授予权;2011年成为河南省人民政府和国家烟草专卖局共建高校;2009年和2018年两次被确定为河南省博士学位授予重点立项建设单位;2018年12月更名为郑州轻工业大学;2020年学校被列为河南省特色骨干大学建设高校。 Zhengzhou University of Light Industry was founded in 1977 and was named Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry at the time. It was originally affiliated to the Ministry of Light Industry; it was transferred to the Henan Provincial People’s Government in 1998 and was granted the right to grant a master’s degree in the same year. Established a university; in 2009 and 2018, it was twice identified as a key construction unit for doctoral degree awards in Henan Province; in December 2018, it was renamed Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; in 2020, the school was listed as a backbone university with acteristics of Henan Province.


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