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ATA-500UV 紫外LED自动温控光电分析测量系统——2021神灯奖申报技术

2021-03-18 作者: 来源:杭州远方光电信息股份有限公司 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: ATA-500UV 紫外LED自动温控光电分析测量系统,为杭州远方光电信息股份有限公司2021神灯奖申报技术。

项目名称: ATA-500UV 紫外LED自动温控光电分析测量系统

ATA-500UV Auto-Temperatured UV LED Opto-Electronic Analyzer

申报单位: 杭州远方光电信息股份有限公司


UV LED在紫外杀菌消毒、固化和光疗领域有着广阔的应用前景,尤其是新冠疫情加速了行业对UV-C LED的研究与开发,但UV LED的辐射测量却充满挑战,行业亟需高置信度、可复现、可比对的实验室紫外辐射测量系统。ATA-500UV 紫外LED自动温控光电分析测量系统以高精度快速紫外光谱辐射计为核心,配合紫外测量专用积分球、精准控温平台和紫外LED标准光源,可实现被测紫外LED在不同温度下的辐射度参数测量分析。系统的紫外辐射通量测量不确定度可在5%以内,解决了UV-LED测量一致性问题和测量复现性问题,为产业的有序健康发展提供了保证。
The application prospect of UV LED in the field of UV disinfection, curing and phototherapy is extensive, especially the outbreak of COVID-19 has accelerated the research and development of UV-C LED. However, the measurement of UV LED radiation performances is full of challenges, and the industry urgently needs a high degree of confidence, reproducible and comparable optical radiation measurement system for the measurement of UV –LED in laboratory application. ATA-500UV Auto-Temperatured UV LED Opto-Electronic Analyzer, which takes a high accuracy array spectroradiometer as the core instrument, and is equipped with a special integrating sphere for UV radiation measurement, a precise temperature control platform and a standard UV light source, can measure and analyze the radiation measurement of UV-LED under different temperature conditions.


Wavelength range: 200nm-450nm;
Wavelength accuracy: ±0.1nm
Temperature control range: If P≤3W, 5℃~105℃;
?If 3W<P<10W, 20℃~105℃
Temperature control accuracy: ±0.5℃
Temperature control stability: ±0.3℃


ATA-500UV可实现UV-LED在不同结温下的热光电综合性能的高精度测量分析,无论在硬件配置还是软件功能上都属于国内外领先水平。系统所采用的紫外高精度快速光谱辐射计应用多项国际专利技术,能有效抑制测量杂散光,且具有极高的波长准确度和重复性,总体性能国际领先;为确保测量不确定度,系统配置了多种与被测对象相似的紫外LED光源以减小测量系统误差,这是其它国内外产品所不具备的;此外系统还配置了高精度稳定快速温控平台,也是其它同类设备不具备的。软件上,ATA-500UV配备功能强大丰富的专用分析软件,直观便捷的热光电分析界面不仅符合人机交互使用特点,且美观大方,操作便捷,还可进行丰富的UV-LED热光电特性曲线分析。ATA-500UV can realize the high-precision measurement and analysis of the comprehensive radiation performance of UV-LED at different junction temperatures, which is the leading level both in hardware configuration and software function at home and abroad. The high-precision UV array spectroradiometer used in the system applies a number of international patent technologies, which can effectively suppress the stray light, has high wavelength accuracy and repeatability, and the overall performance is leading in the world. In order to ensure the measurement uncertainty, the system is equipped with a variety of UV LEDs similar to the measured LEDs to reduce the measurement system error, which is not found in other similar instruments at home and abroad. In addition, the system is also equipped with a high-precision, stable and fast temperature control platform, which is not possessed by other similar instruments. In terms of software, ATA-500UV is equipped with powerful and rich special analysis software, the intuitive and convenient software interface is not only in line with the acteristics of human-computer interaction, but also beautiful and easy to operate, and it can also carry out the analysis of the thermal-optical-electric acteristic curves of UV-LEDs.



Since the system product entered the market, its product sales itself has achieved good economic benefits. At the same time, the measurement system can not only measure the optical radiation performance of UV-LED with high precision, but also accurately measure and analyze the radiation and electrical quantilities of UV-LEDs under different junction temperatures, which solves the measurement deviation problem between different laboratories, and also eliminates the “gap” of measurement evaluation between UV-LED package manufacturers and downstream UV-LED product manufacturers, which plays a positive role in ensuring the quality of UV-LED and UV-LED terminal products and optimizing the market order, and its indirect economic benefits are even greater.


A high precision ultraviolet spectroradiometer with international patent technology is adopted, with narrow FWHM, high wavelength accuracy, good repeatability and stability.
Equipped with LED standard light source traceable to NIM/NIST
for UV LED measurement, to avoid measurement system error and greatly improve measurement accuracy
Equipped with high precision, stable and fast temperature control platform, which has the acteristics of high control precision, speed and power
Comprehensive thermal, electrical and optical analysis functions can measure the shell temperature, optical radiation power, voltage and current of UV LED packages
The intuitive and convenient software analysis interface and human-computer interaction optimization make the operation convenient, and the radiation acteristic curve and spectral curve of UV-LED can be measured and analyzed easily




(1)国际相关的发明专利 Related international invention patents
(2)国内相关发明专利 Related internal invention patents
(3)相关获奖证书 Related awards


杭州远方光电信息股份有限公司(股票代码:300306,简称“远方信息” )是智能检测识别信息技术和服务提供商,布局涉及光电检测、核磁共振、红外紫外、生物识别、基因检测诊断等专业,拥有自主核心技术,广泛服务于工业、交通、金融、军工、公共、医疗等领域,到目前为止,远方信息是全球唯一一家以“LED和照明检测设备”为主营业务而实现公司上市的企业。公司坐落于被誉为“天堂硅谷”的杭州滨江国家高新技术开发区,是国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,国内首家CIE正式官方会员企业,ISO9001国际认证通过企业,国家“双软”认证通过企业,拥有美国NVLAP认可实验室和中国CNAS认可实验室。2013年和2014年连续两年被福布斯评为中国最具潜力上市公司100强。 远方公司多次承担国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题和省市级重大科技攻关项目。拥有专利260余项,其中包括中、美、德发明专利60余项。远方公司的多项高科技技术产品获得“中国专利优秀奖”、“首批国家自主创新产品”、“国家重点新产品”等荣誉称号。远方公司还积极参与国际标准化活动,主导或参与了40余项国际、国内标准或技术规范的制修订。 远方公司产品大量销往美国、欧洲、日本、韩国、台湾等世界发达地区,被万余家企业和政府质检机构采用,产品出口和国内市场占有率均遥遥领先。客户包括中国计量院(NIM)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)、台湾工业研究院(ITRI)、SGS、ITS、TUV、DEKRA、CTI等国际高水平检测实验室和CREE、PHILIPS、GE、OSRAM、SAMSUNG等国际著名企业。


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