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2021-03-10 作者: 来源:太原学院-王皓、殷小红、赵丽冬、林松鑫 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 汽车远近灯光自动切换装置,为太原学院-王皓、殷小红、赵丽冬、林松鑫2021神灯奖申报技术。

项目名称: 汽车远近灯光自动切换装置

Automatic switching device for automobile far and near lights

申报单位: 太原学院-王皓、殷小红、赵丽冬、林松鑫




本次设计实验是基于单片机为核心,构成汽车前大灯的自动调节系统,系统通过超声波来检测前方是否有车辆,在一定的距离内,若无车辆,远光灯保持开启状态;若有车辆,则远光灯立刻关闭。 针对一些驾驶新手,以及不能熟用汽车的远近灯光的驾驶人员使用。此次设计可以解放驾驶人员的双手,能将驾驶人的注意力更加集中。使得可以减少驾驶隐患。更大的程度上减少了滥用远光灯的情况。


With the development of the industrialization of modern society, the vehicle is being used by more and more people. However, the problem that comes with it is obvious that with the increase of vehicles, the frequent occurrence of traffic accidents, The resulting number of casualties and property losses is staggering.

Research shows that there are not a few accidents when the high beam lights are not switched in time at night. The high beam lights are designed to allow the driver to observe the road conditions better at night, but often when the two cars meet, or when there is a car in front of them, The high beam lights cannot be turned off in time, so that the glare can obstruct the vision of other drivers.

The design experiment is based on the single-chip mic**omputer, the auto-adjusting system of automobile headlamp is constructed. The system detects whether there is a vehicle in front by ultrasonic wave. If there is no vehicle, the high beam lamp stays on in certain distance. If there is a vehicle, the high beam lights are switched off immediately.For some novice drivers, as well as motorists who cant familiarize themselves with the cars far and near lights. The design frees the drivers hands and focuses the drivers attention more. so that driving risks can be reduced. to a greater extent, the abuse of high beam lights is reduced.

Automotive far and near beam automatic switching, emphasizing the automobile far and near beam automation, freeing the hands of the driver, making our car smarter!





超声波发射器向某一方向发射超声波,在发射时刻的同时开始计时,超声波在空气中传播,途中碰到障碍物就立即返回来,超声波接收器收到反射波就立即停止计时。超声波在空气中的传播速度为340m/s,根据计时器记录的时间t,就可以计算出发射点距障碍物的距离(s),即:s=340t/2 。这就是所谓的时间差测距法。


The ultrasonic transmitter emits ultrasonic wave in a certain direction and starts timing at the same time. The ultrasonic wave travels in the air. When the ultrasonic transmitter eners obstacles on the way, the ultrasonic receiver stops timing immediately after receiving the reflected wave. The propagation speed of ultrasonic waves in the air is 340 m/s, and the distance (s) the obstacle at the emission point can be calculated according to the time t recorded by the timer, i.e., s=340 t/2. This is called time difference ranging.

The principle of ultrasonic ranging is to measure the time of reflection the obstacle after the transmission of ultrasonic wave in the air, and calculate the actual distance the emission point to the obstacle according to the time difference between the transmission and reception. It can be seen that the principle of ultrasonic ranging is the same as that of radar.


一、采用 IO 口 TRIG 触发测距,给最少 10us 的高电平信呈。
二、模块自动发送 8 个 40khz 的方波,自动检测是否有信号返回。
三、有信号返回,通过 IO 口 ECHO 输出一个高电平,高电平持续的时间就是超声 波从发射到返回的时间。测试距离=(高电平时间*声速(340M/S))/2。


太原学院 智能与自动化系 2018届物联网工程专业一班
组长:王皓 组员;殷小红、林松鑫、赵丽冬


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