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2021-03-19 作者: 来源:郑州轻工业大学 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 光引——新乡家居装饰公司灯光照明设计,为郑州轻工业大学-刘国军、闫嘉玉、宋依宸 (指导教师:范雨,许晶)2021神灯奖申报设计曙光奖产品。



Light guiding——Lighting Design of Xinxiang Home Decoration Company


郑州轻工业大学-刘国军、闫嘉钰、宋依宸 (指导教师:范雨,许晶)


在我们心中,家永远是心底最温暖的精神依托。而装修公司作为家的设计者和打造者,我们希望它不仅能解决功能性、实用性上的问题,更能成为家里那片光亮的指路人。因此在设计中,我们希望能用“以光为引”的设计手法帮助装修公司传达“眷家于心”的设计内核。通过光线设计,激发空间活力,赋予空间温度与色彩,打造新时代下的个性化服务空间。让顾客在踏进店铺的那一刻,感受到的不仅是商业化的服务,更是设计师们对家的感知与关怀。 In our mind, home is always the warmest spiritual support. As the designer and builder of the home, the decoration company should not only solve the problems of functionality and practicality, but also become the bright guide at home. Therefore, we hope to use the ‘light as the guide’ design method to help the decoration company convey the design core of ‘keep home in heart’ in the design. The vitality of the space is stimulated with the design of light, meanwhile, the warm feeling and visual color are given to the space to create a personalized service space under the new era. When customers step into the company, they would feel not only the professional service, but also the designers perception and care for their home.


格栅射灯、LED展示灯、LED射灯、LED灯带、太空灯盘、卤素筒灯、吸顶筒灯、导轨射灯等各类灯具。 Grille spotlights, LED display lights, LED spotlights, LED strips, space lamp panels, halogen downlights, ceiling downlights, track spotlights, etc.


该公司设有工作区、工艺展览区、软装展览区、洽谈区、休息区茶水区等功能性空间,能够在为客户提供专业设计方案的同时,进一步提升洽谈质量。该空间灯光设计的重点在于对照度和色温的把控,打造舒适的办公空间和温馨的洽谈空间。从给予客户初踏入空间舒适的视觉体验到对客户谈单时温和的心情影响,从而延长客户的逗留时间,提升订单成交率。 The company has several functional spaces such as working area, craft exhibition area, soft decoration exhibition area, negotiation area, rest area and tea area, which can further improve the quality of negotiation while providing professional design solutions for customers. The lighting design of this space focuses on the control of contrast and color temperature, creating a comfortable office space and a warm negotiation space.In order to extend customers stay time and increase the order turnover rate by giving customers a comfortable visual experience when they step into the space firstly and a gentle mood impact on customers when they negotiate orders.


随着社会的快速发展,现在人们对于生活品质的追求越来越高。而如今市面上大部分的装修公司只追求项目完成的速度与价值,忽略了客户内心深处真正的需求与喜好。通过灯光的设计以及控制,帮助装修公司讲述他们与家的故事,阐述他们对家的理解和定义。以对不同区域灯具数量、光通量、色温、照度的调节设置,引导客户视线,强调空间亮点,弱化空间锐度,营造整体氛围。 With the rapid development of society, people are now gradually pursuing the quality of life. However, most of the decoration companies on the market only pursue the speed and value of the of the project nowadays, while ignoring the real needs and preferences of the customers. Through the design and control of lighting, this project helps the decoration company to tell the story between themselves and their home and explain their understanding and definition of home. By adjusting the number of lamps in different areas, luminous flux, color temperature, and illuminance, it guides the customers sight, emphasizes the bright spots of the space, weakens the sharpness, and creates an overall atmosphere.


刘国军、闫嘉钰、宋依宸,郑州轻工业大学艺术设计学院2017级环境艺术设计学生。 郑州轻工业大学创建于1977年,时名郑州轻工业学院,原隶属国家轻工业部;1998年转属河南省人民政府,同年获批硕士学位授予权;2011年成为河南省人民政府和国家烟草专卖局共建高校;2009年和2018年两次被确定为河南省博士学位授予重点立项建设单位;2018年12月更名为郑州轻工业大学;2020年学校被列为河南省特色骨干大学建设高校。


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