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2015-07-16 作者:卡茨 来源:阿拉丁照明网 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 朗明纳斯深耕专业照明十二年,于去年高调进军通用照明领域,在通用照明日趋激烈之际,朗明纳斯未来有什么计划?作为三安光电子公司之一,他们之间如何协作?朗明纳斯全球营销副总Mark Pugh和高级照明市场总监Tom Jory接受了阿拉丁新闻中心记者的采访。

  朗明纳斯深耕专业照明十二年,于去年高调进军通用照明领域,在通用照明日趋激烈之际,朗明纳斯未来有什么计划?作为三安光电子公司之一,他们之间如何协作?朗明纳斯全球营销副总Mark Pugh和高级照明市场总监Tom Jory接受了阿拉丁新闻中心记者的采访。

朗明纳斯全球营销副总Mark Pugh(右)和高级照明市场总监Tom Jory(左)和阿拉丁新闻中心记者(中)



  Alighting:Could you share with us about the latest product and technology development in Luminus? How are these new products different from others on the market?

  Tom Jory:So what have now is an LED COB (chip on board) substitute for metal halide which is very exciting for lighting designers because now they can have high intensity spots with light customized to different color temperatures, CRIs, and chromaticity or “white points.”

  With our Sensus XH series we can go below the black body locus to produce light which is similar to most metal halide sources commonly used in retail spot light applications, and our light produces pure, crisp whites as well as richer colors, especially reds and blues. We provide retail lighting customers with the similar color they prefer and our product maintains that the color over time, while metal halide will change over time, doesn’t work well with diming and turning on and off, and contains environmentally unfriendly mercury. So now we can do away with all of the problems of metal halide and bring improvements to the retail spot light application, by replacing incumbent technology with something that is more beautiful, longer lasting and uses less energy.

  Tom Jory:我们现在推出了LED COB(Chip On Board)光源替代金属卤化物,这对照明设计师来说,是非常兴奋的消息,因为现在他们可以定制不同色温、显色指数、色度或“白点”的光源了。

  我们的Sensus XH系列可以沿着黑色核心点的后面发光,这跟大多数零售业金属卤化物点光源的应用类似,它可以产生纯净、炫白以及颜色丰富的光,尤其是红色和蓝色。



  Alighting:What is the main changes in lighting market in 2015? And what are the reasons for these changes in your opinion?

  Tom Jory:What we see is more and more customers are interested in improving the quality of light, so in past years, they seek to get more and more efficient, and in fact we still on the leading edge in terms of lm/w. Now people want not only efficiency, but also better quality of light. They want better color rendering, which makes products look more attractive and stimulate the consumers to buy. That is really different in 2015.

  The main selling point for LED industry was saving energy, but now everyone is already saving energy. Now customers want better light, so the real change is the needs of customer is different from before.

  Tom Jory:我们已经看到人们越来越关注光品质的改善。但在过去几年,大家都在追逐光效,直到如今,我们在光效方面也一直占据领先地位。而现在人们不仅仅满足于光效,因为光效已经非常高,他们希望LED照明有更好的光品质,或者依据应用环境达到特殊的效果,在商店里,使商品看起来更诱人,刺激消费者的购买欲。我想这是2015年最大的不同吧。


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