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SPD 技术液晶电视光源——2020神灯奖申报技术

2020-03-12 作者: 来源:深圳市英唐光显技术有限公司 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: SPD 技术液晶电视光源,为深圳市英唐光显技术有限公司2020神灯奖申报技术。

项目名称: SPD 技术液晶电视光源

LCD TV light source with SPD Technology

申报单位: 深圳市英唐光显技术有限公司



1. 光的方面:使用RGB三色LED 晶片混光的原理,利用其半波宽较窄的特性,提升混光的色彩效果,同时利用支架设计和封装技术,使得混光更加均匀;

2. 人眼生理特征方面:根据人眼中视锥细胞,S型、M型、L型视杆细胞的特性,适当调整光谱结构使光辐射满足人眼细胞的生理要求,以提升人眼舒适度;

The product uses SPD mixing technology, combined with the physical characteristics of light, physiological characteristics of human eyes and environmental requirements, to develop backlight suitable for LCD TV backlight.

1. Light aspect: using the principle of RGB tricolor LED chip to mix light, using its narrow half wave width, improving the color effect of the mixed light, and using the bracket design and packaging technology to make the mixed light more uniform;

2. In terms of physiological characteristics of human eyes: according to the characteristics of cone cells, S-shaped, M-shaped and L-shaped rod cells in human eyes, adjust the spectral structure properly to make the light radiation meet the physiological requirements of human eye cells, so as to improve the comfort of human eyes;

3.Environmental requirements: according to the structure and driving design, the optical indicators can be adjusted according to the changes of the environment to further improve the comfort of the human body.



2、RGB 三路独立控制

3、液晶电视实现静态色域NTSC 105%,动态色域NTSC 135%的显示效果

1. RGB wafer packaging

2. RGB three-way independent control

3. LCD TV realizes the display effect of static NTSC 105% and dynamic NTSC 135%



1. SPD技术可以实现多路独立控制,可以使用软件的方式调整光谱结构,以满足终端产品的需求;

2. 量子点为达到较好的色彩效果,需使用有害物质—镉,无镉量子点会降低显示的色彩效果,但SPD 技术可以在保证显示效果的前提下,同时不含有各种有害物质。

At present, the main competitive technology is QD backlight, and the main differences are:

1. SPD technology can realize multi-channel independent control and adjust the spectrum structure by software to meet the needs of terminal products;

2. In order to achieve better color effect, QD need to use harmful substances: Cd. Without Cd, quantum dots will reduce the color effect of display, but SPD technology can guarantee the display effect without any harmful substances.


1. 三晶片封装于单颗灯珠,并实现独立控制,可以按环境需要调整发光效果;

2. 三晶片发光波段符合人眼细胞要求,提升人眼舒适度;

3. 提升终端液晶产品的显示效果。

1.Three kinds of chips are encapsulated in a single lamp bead, which can be controlled independently, and the luminous effect can be adjusted according to the needs of the environment;

2.Three kinds of chip light-emitting bands meet the requirements of human eye cells and improve the comfort of human eyes;

3.Improve the display effect of terminal LCD products.




位于深圳市南山区科技园,由深圳市英唐智能控制股份有限公司与Brilliance Technologies Co., Ltd合资创建,注册资本为5000万人民币。英唐光显专注于开发基于SPD技术的健康光源,产品广泛应用于教育照明、办公照明、液晶显示器背光源等领域。

Located in Nanshan District Science and Technology Park, Shenzhen, it is jointly established by Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control Co.,Ltd. and brilliance Technologies Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of RMB 50 million. Shenzhen Yitoa display technologies Co., Ltd focuses on the development of healthy light source based on SPD technology. Its products are widely used in education lighting, office lighting, LCD backlight and other fields.



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