
ADI ADP1650 1.5A LED闪光驱动方案


上传时间: 2010-08-17

浏览次数: 47

  ADI 公司的ADP1650是集成了I2C兼容接口的1.5A led闪光驱动器.器件集成了1.5MHz或3.0MHz同步电感升压转换器,I2C兼容接口和1500mA电流源.火炬模式电流高达200mA,效率大于90%(峰值),主要用在照相手机和智能手机以及数码相机,摄像机和PDA.本文介绍了ADP1650主要特性,应用电路以及ADP1650 评估板套件主要特性,详细电路图和材料清单.

  1.5 A LED Flash Driver with I2C-Compatible Interface

  The ADP1650 is a very compact, highly efficient, single white LED flash driver for high resolution camera phones that improves picture and video quality in low light environments. The device integrates a programmable 1.5 MHz or 3.0 MHz synchronous inductive boost converter, an I2C-compatible interface, and a 1500 mA current source. The high switching frequency enables the use of a tiny, 1 mm high, low cost, 1 μH power inductor, and the current source permits LED cathode grounding for thermally enhanced, low EMI, and compact layouts.

  The LED driver maximizes efficiency over the entire battery voltage range to maximize the input-power-to-LED-power conversion and minimize battery current draw during flash events. A programmable dc battery current limit safELy maximizes LED current for all LED VF and battery voltage conditions.

  Two independent TxMASK inputs permit the flash LED current and battery current to reduce quickly during a power amplifier current burst. The I2C-compatible interface enables the pro-grammability of timers, currents, and status bit readback for operation monitoring and safety control.

  The ADP1650 comes in a compact 12-ball, 0.5 mm pitch package and operates within specification over the full ?40℃ to +125℃ junction temperature range.


  Ultracompact solution

  Small, 2 mm × 1.5 mm, 12-ball WLCSP package

  Smallest footprint, 1 mm height, 1 μH power inductor

  LED current source for local LED grounding

  Simplified routing to/from LED

  Improved LED thermals

  Synchronous 3 MHz PWM boost converter, no external diode

  High efficiency: 90% peak

  Reduces high levels of input battery current during flash

  Limits battery current drain in torch mode

  I2C programmable

  Currents up to 1500 mA in flash mode for one LED with 7% accuracy over all conditions

  Currents up to 200 mA in torch mode

  Programmable dc battery current limit (4 settings)

  Programmable flash timer up to 1600 ms

  Low VBAT mode to reduce LED current automatically

  4-bit ADC for LED VF, die/LED temperature readback


  I2C-compatible control registers

  External STROBE and torch input pins

  2 transmitter mask (TxMASK) inputs


  Thermal overload protection

  Inductor fault detection

  LED short-/open-circuit protection


  Camera-enabled cellular phones and smart phones

  Digital still cameras, camcorders, and PDAs



  ADP1650 评估板

  The evaluation system is composed of a motherboard, daughter- board and LED sub-board. The motherboard provides the I2C signals from the PC USB port and generates the I/O voltages and digital high and low signals for the daughterboard. For over-temperature measurement, the daughterboard can either be plugged directly into the motherboard or connected to the motherboard via a ribbon cable.

  The motherboard features a 3.3 V regulator and 2.8 V/1.8 V regulators for VDDIO. The daughterboard contains jumpers and test points for easy evaluation of the flash driver IC.

  The ADP1650-EVALZ kit includes:

  Cables: power (red/black), USB, 2× current measurements

  Samples: five ADP1650 devices, two FDSD3012 inductors

  LED boards: OSRAM LUWF65N, LumiLEDs PWF-4[NT:PAGE=.$]


  图2.ADP1650 评估板外形图


  图3.ADP1650 评估板主板电路图


  图4.ADP1650 评估板子板电路图


  图5.ADP1650 LED插板电路图


  图6.ADP1650- EVALZ电路图




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