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2019-01-23 作者: 来源:机智云 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 机智云智能照明一站式解决方案,为机智云2019神灯奖申报技术。

项目名称: 机智云智能照明一站式解决方案

Gizwits Smart Lighting One-stop Solution

申报单位: 机智云


机智云智能照明一站式解决方案由通信模组、云平台接入、和移动客户端智能APP组成。支持智能灯成品、灯控板、模块等多种灵活的接入方案帮助企业缩短产品上市周期。兼容2.4G、Wi-Fi、BLE Mesh、ZigBee等多种主流连接方式接入。支持Amazon Alexa、Google Assistant、天猫精灵、IFTTT等主流语音及第三方平台接入,实现语音交互和条件联动。提供照明相关联动应用场景和家庭管理场景设置,结合机智云云端能力和生态资源整合能力,可与机智云平台上100+种不同品类的智能家居产品,通过语音或机智云综合应用前端“智家”APP互联互通,轻松实现全屋智能。

Gizwits Smart Lighting One-stop Solution consists of communication module, cloud connectivity, and Gizwits Smart mobile APP (Hereinafter referred to as GSmart APP). It provides either smart lighting end products or critical components to help enterprises shorten time-to-market. It can be voice controlled or conditional interacted with Amazon Echo, Google Assistant, Tmall Genie, IFTTT and other mainstream voice platforms. Not only being stable in the connectivity, but also being rich in the control and automation functionalities. The smart lighting powered by GSmart that has integrated over 100 different types of smart home products, allows consumers to achieve “full-house” control and automation.


一、通信接入/ Communication Methods

1. 接入方式:2.4G、Wi-Fi、BLE Mesh、ZigBee

二、自研通讯模块 / Self-developed Communication Module

1. 接入方式 / Communication Method


2. 大小 / Size

24mm (W) * 16mm (H)

3. 芯片 / Chip


4. 闪存容量 / Flash Memory

1 M Byte

5. 固件 / Firmware

预编译 / Pre-compiled

6. 耐高温 / Heatproof

-40 ℃ to 125 ℃

三、云平台接入 / Cloud Platform Support
1. 全球化部署 / Global Deployment

With modular, standardized application platform services, supporting rapid global deployment of public cloud, private cloud, hybrid IoT cloud services as well as docker deployment, Gizwits helps customers to achieve faster time-to-market. Millions of devices powered by Gizwits has been running on the servers hosted in Asia, America, Europe, Middle East and so on, which are operated by Amazon, Microsoft Azure and other global sites. Furthermore, the platform is able to provide unlimited capacity expansion without regional and quantitative constraints according to customers demand.

2. 完善的安全策略 / Perfect Security Policy
连接安全策略 / Connection Security Policy
数据备份策略 / Data Backup Policy
渗透测试监测 / Penetration Test Monitoring
更多接入策略 / More Connection Policy

3. 稳定的接入 / Stable Connection
支持MQTT / HTTP协议 / Support MQTT / HTTP protocols
负载均衡 / Load Balancing
7 x 24小时在线支持/ 7 x 24 Hours Online Technology Supports
SLA 99.99%
CDN接入 / CDN Connection

4. 第三方平台集成 / Third-party platforms integration
Amazon Alexa Echo, Google Assistant, IFTTT, Tmall Genie (天猫精灵), Baidu Xiaodu (百度小度), Tencent Xiaowei (腾讯小薇), Dingdong (京东叮咚)

四、 智家APP / Gizwits Smart Application
1. 版本 / Versions
iOS or Android

2. 应用市场 / APP Stores
Apple APP Store
Google Play
360应用市场 / 360 APP Store
应用宝 / Tencent APP Store
豌豆荚 / Wandoujia
百度应用市场 / Baidu APP Store

3.本地化部署 / Localization

Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Russian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Czech, Kazakh, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Vietnamese, Greek-language








Rich in control and automation functionalities
- Common Mode, Streamer Mode, Eye Protection Mode
- Color Algorithm:

Fine-tuned color setting algorithm, and comprehensive lighting control features.
- Smart Home Automation Capabilities:

Lighting control can be automated with timers, weather conditions, and smart home sensors, etc.
- Musical Rhythm:

Lighting control can be synonized with musical rhythms.
- Smart Home Automation:

Smart lighting is powered by the Gizwits Smart mobile APP that has integrated over 100 different types of smart home products, allowing consumers to achieve “full-house” control and automation. Such as smart appliances, health & fitness, smart security, etc.

1. 手动点击执行,设置条件满足则触发联动;
2. 定时,设置条件满足则触发联动。比如,晚上7点,触发客厅灯泡开启,或进入“温馨烛光”模式;早上8点,触发卧室灯泡进入“早安唤醒”模式;
3. 天气变化,设置条件满足则触发联动。比如,当前城市日落时,触发客厅灯泡开启,或进入“流光模式”;当PM2.5值大于50时,触发空气净化器开启;
4. 当门磁正常打开时,触发客厅灯泡开启,音箱提示问候语等;当门磁非正常打开时,触发音箱报警,发送通知短信至手机等。

Users can use the default conditional mode to trigger the automation between lighting devices and other smart home products, or use the conditional modes that they define themselves.
1. Automation will be triggered by manual Click button;
2. Automation will be triggered by Timer. For example, when it is 7pm, the living room lighting will turn on or enter the mode of “Candle Light”. When it is 8am, the bedroom lighting will enter the mode of “Morning”.
3. Automation will be triggered by weather conditions. For example, when it is sunset, the living room lighting will turn on, or enter the mode of “Streamer Mode”. When the value of PM2.5 is up to 50, the smart air purifier will start.
4. When the door opens normally, the door magnetic sensors will trigger the living room light bulb to turn on, smart speaker to greet, etc. When the door opens abnormally, the door magnetic sensors will trigger the smart speaker to alarm, or sending a notification SMS to the mobile phone, etc.





功能特点:机智云为深圳佰兴提供氛围灯带智能化解决方案,该方案采用了预编译了机智云云平台通讯协议的通讯模块,可安全、稳定、快速接入机智云平台实现智能化。同时可以通过机智云平台与天猫精灵、Amazon Echo进行语音交互,帮助企业无论在国内还是欧美都收获了具体的市场。结合机智云GSmart APP,用户可以使用默认或者自定义不同模式,如温馨模式、Party模式,流光模式、读图取色模式等,更多氛围变幻随心控。



功能特点:机智云为知名照明市场巨头佛山照明提供球泡灯智能化解决方案,该方案采用了预编译了机智云云平台通讯协议的通讯模块,可安全、稳定、快速接入机智云平台实现智能化。同时可以通过机智云平台与天猫精灵、Amazon Echo进行语音交互。结合机智云GSmart APP,用户可以使用默认或者自定义不同模式,并与其他智能家居产品进行互联,用户体验得到了升级。






1. 软件著作权-机智云通用模组软件GAgent
2. 软件著作权-机智云智家APP
3. 软著证书-机智云-物联网平台软件 Gizwits
4. 机智云国家高新技术企业
5. 可信云认证:机智云物联网平台

2018年GIIOTC Award-最佳工业物联网云平台


机智云,广州机智云物联网科技有限公司旗下品牌。全球领先的物联网开发和云服务平台,全栈(综合)物联网平台服务领导者,国家高新技术企业,新型研发机构。2017年入选广东省工业互联网产业生态供给资源池(第一批)工业互联网云平台服务商、信通院《工业互联网平台白皮书》工业互联网云平台典型案例,2018年通过工业互联网云平台可信评估,获审广东省工业互联网应用服务平台供应商资质。 公司2005年创立于美国纽约和中国广州,研发中心位于广州,北京、深圳、上海,杭州等地设有分支机构,公司拥有完善的技术研发、安全运维、大数据和售后支撑团队,连续8年作为“苹果”MFi认证亚太地区优秀物联网软件解决方案提供商,为苹果生态企业提供IoT技术服务。2014年推出国内第一个智能硬件自助开发平台,亦是国内第一个技术孵化平台,并形成国内最大的IoT开发者社区。 机智云聚焦物联网、云计算、大数据和人工智能产业,采用微服务架构,为需要IoT需求的企业/团队提供IoT产品全生命周期管理运营系统,涵盖设备管理、连接管理、应用开发、数据分析、BI系统、智能决策、金融计费与第三方系统互联等功能,同时平台开放API接口,帮助企业打通内外部经营管理系统(CRM、ERP 等),已服务交通物流、新能源、工业互联、医疗健康、消费电子等众多行业,并在多个行业实现市场覆盖率第一。 凭借在硬件接入、数据挖掘和分析应用上的技术优势及多年的行业实战经验,机智云已发展成物联网第三方云服务代表平台,处于整个产业链的核心位置。通过对数据流的集中、处理和疏散中心,凭借“大平台+小前端”的结构,支撑和推动着物联网在细分行业的商业模式创新,提升行业效率。被业内公认为物联网云服务第一品牌。 通过多年来对产业深耕和上下游的资源整合,机智云已形成完整的物联网开发服务生态,通过技术衔接和运营整合,有效撮合了开发者与需求企业合作、供应商和用户降低交易成本,并通过第三方接口源源不断释放共享经济的巨大价值,参与到应用分成,达成生态共赢。

Gizwits is the worlds leading Internet of Things development platform and cloud service provider. As the largest IoT development platform in Asia, Gizwits services cover more than 200 ries on five continents. The platform supports the rapid deployment of public, private and hybrid IoT cloud services. Over 10 million smart products powered by Gizwits platform have been sold to more than 150 ries and regions worldwide, and are highly trusted by by numerous global customers.

After years of dedicated efforts in R&D and ecosystem development in IoT, Gizwits has integrated all the components and resources critical to the success of IoT products. From leading chipset makers such as Qualcomm, TI, and ST Micro, to Internet service giants such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft, IoT-related technology leaders have forged strong partnerships with Gizwits. Together with these partners, Gizwits has served thousands of corporate customers, including many Fortune 500 companies such as Bosch, Siemens, Honeywell, Fujitsu, 3M and the Daimler Group. Gizwits has been recognized by Fast Company as one of the Top 50 Most Innovative Companies in China. Forbes.com ed the company as one of the Top 100 Internet of Things Startups in the world.


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