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雷特Super Panel 12S、Super+系列超级智能开关荣获美国IDEA奖

2023-06-21 作者: 来源:雷特科技 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 雷特2023年旗舰级新品超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S自发布以来备受行业和客户关注。继IDPA国际大奖之后,超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S再次获得美国IDEA设计大奖,全球获奖率不超过10%。

LTECH Super Panel 12S and Super+ Series Smart Switches Became IDEA Winners

雷特2023年旗舰级新品超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S自发布以来备受行业和客户关注。继IDPA国际大奖之后,超智慧·全面屏Super Panel 12S再次获得美国IDEA设计大奖,全球获奖率不超过10%。

LTECHs exceptional new product of 2023, the ultra smart display Super Panel 12S has caught industry and customers attention since its release. After receiving an IDPA, the ultra smart display Super Panel 12S recently won an IDEA again. Its global win rate does not exceed 10%.

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Recognized for the outstanding industrial aesthetics, LTECH Super+ series super switches have already won six international design awards, including iF Design Award, Red Dot Design Award, G-Mark Japan Good Design Award, IDPA Japan Design Award, CES Innovation Awards and Taiwans Golden Pin Concept Award. In recent days , Super+ Series super switches once again received the International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA).



About IDEA

美国IDEA奖全称是International Design Excellence Awards,设立于1980年,是美国主持的唯一一项世界性工业设计大奖,每年由美国工业设计师协会从特定的工业领域选出顶级的产品设计,授予工业设计奖(IDEA),并公布于当期的商业周刊杂志。美国IDEA奖每年的评奖与颁奖活动是制造业彰显设计成果最重要的事件。

International Design Excellence Awards(IDEA) was found in 1980 and is the only global industrial design award hosted by the United States. Each year, the Industrial Designers Society of America select exceptional product designs in specific industrial fields and award them IDEA. All the IDEA winners are published on the latest issue of Business Week. The annual IDEA winner selections and ceremony are the most important events for the manufacturing industry to highlight design achievements.

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In recent years, our released products and the forward-looking concepts have won international design awards successively, which result from our efforts and focus on R&D and innovation. We have been leading the design trend in the industry, and we firmly believe that our upcoming products will maintain the industry-leading design. We will keep pursuing the optimized user experience and product innovation to earn more recognition and praise!

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