

2021-02-25 0










  中华郡景区位于渭南市富平县友谊路中中段,富平县因取“富庶太平”之意而得名,是华夏文明重要发祥地之一,中华民族的人文初祖黄帝就曾采首阳之铜铸鼎于县南荆山之巅,当大禹统理天下之后,又浇铸象征最高权力的九鼎于此,故富平自古即有“关中名邑”的美誉。景区总体规划用地总面积为2000亩,以“一园,两轴、四廊、五区”为布局,以黄帝铸鼎文化主题公园为核心,打造集文化旅游、度假休闲、创意文化、购物娱乐、观光农业、康养生活为一体的综合性旅游产业园。 《鼎盛华夏 轩辕大典》大型史诗水舞剧场位于富平中华郡景区核心区域,水景采用左右对称水型布置,搭配中央大鼎多层次灯光设计,360度全视觉再现轩辕黄帝一统华夏的波澜壮阔,擂鼓震天,兵戈浩荡,震撼恢弘的音乐呈现洪荒时代华夏先祖治世的历史画卷。顶级夜游团队倾力打造,激光系统,火焰喷泉等震撼效果上演一场轩辕黄帝的传奇历程。

项目宣传视频: https://b2b.alighting.com/headline/9KNVRPSGAP/videodetail-5116.html








1. Obey the tonality of the scenic spot and emphasize the interaction of light and shadow with people and scenery;

2. Intelligent control, which needs to be integrated with the performance control system;

3. The theme is clear, the highlights are dynamic, and the color transition should be linear;

4. Various types of equipment used and outstanding effects;

5. Ordinary lighting effect is linear or surface distribution, strong adjustment is uniform. The artistic lighting design is dotted and pays attention to details and diversity.

6. In terms of lighting and influence control, with the support of leading technology, the interaction between equipment and people is more prominent.







The lamps ed for this design use energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and green LED lamps. According to the function and structural acteristics of the scenic spot, the lamp options are easy to install and have high concealment.

1. Choose reasonable lighting methods, general lighting, accent lighting, decorative lighting and mixed lighting. Choose a variety of light control methods, such as partition control, appropriate increase of switching points and various power-saving switches and other management measures.

2. Use high-efficiency energy-saving lamps. Under the requirement of glare restriction, choose lamps with reasonable light control according to different places of use, such as underwater lamps in the water show of the project. Choose lamps with good luminous flux maintenance rate, waterproof and light-emitting. Can get the maximum display, high efficiency and energy saving.

3. Choose a reasonable standard value of illuminance. Reasonable ion of illuminance is one of the important issues in lighting design. Too low illuminance will damage the eyesight of the gamers, and too high illuminance will waste resources. Therefore, the illuminance can be ed according to the lighting design standards promulgated by the ry, and the total efficiency of the lighting system can be considered comprehensively.

4. Regular maintenance of lighting equipment can effectively extend the life of the lamp. When the lamp is flickering or has flickered, it should be replaced in time. The gas disge source consumes the highest power when it is started, which is much larger than usual.


此次项目,如何艺术化地将数字科技与当地深厚历史底蕴相结合,是主创团队设计的核心要务。 以:“魅力华夏”为主题,通过高内容价值、高互动属性、高科技手段、高传播效应四个形式,打造传统夜游式景区新标杆。 艺术理念:








In this project, how to artistically combine digital technology with the profound local historical heritage is the core task of the main creative teams design. With the theme of "Charming China", through four forms of high content value, high interactive attributes, high-tech means, and high communication effect, it creates a new benchmark for traditional night-tour scenic spots.

Artistic concept:

1. "Light and shadow": The artistic lights are intertwined and diffused to both sides, creating a sense of ritual in the flourishing age, supplemented by the dynamic projection of pattern lights on the ground of the square, providing the audience with a multi-dimensional visual experience. The use of laser lights, moving head lights, pattern lights, interactive lighting installations and other forms of expression add to the rhythm of the landscape space, give people visual and perceptual changes in virtual and reality, and create landscape spaces and places with expressive light and shadow.

2. "Water Dance": a dynamic three-dimensional expression composed of multiple elements such as lighting, color, music, water type, etc., in the form of water curtain projection, laser show, fountain water show, etc., the beautiful spray effect The meaning of artistic aesthetics, creating scenic spots, and feeling the new m of the combination of technology and culture.

design concept:

1. The project uses water as the horn and light as the drum. The colors are gorgeous and beautiful, the movement and the stillness are combined, and the water and light and shadow blend together, which brings strong audio-visual impact and shock.

2. Relying on the design vision of the Zhonghua County Scenic Area, "Prosperity China", centering on the "ding", becomes the spiritual territory of the Chinese nation, demonstrating the unique cultural m of Fuping. Therefore, according to the design of the scenic area, the light and shadow show is the main body. With water show performances, create a colorful cultural audio-visual feast.

3. Under Zhonghua County, dazzling lights, rushing to the sky, proclaiming a thousand-year-old scenery, dazzling, and becoming a new landmark in Fuping night.

4. Using fresh and cool interactive devices, the whole people participate in the interaction, and enhance the personalized entertainment experience in the form of competitive games. Create an online celebrity check-in point in scenic spots to achieve the effect of attracting crowds to spread.




  西安六通机电工程有限公司以领先的创意创新、设备研发制造、工程安装、系统合成为一体的高新技术企业,拥有水景设备、激光灯设备、水秀联控操作系统等国家技术专利产品,在公司发展战略方面提倡高新技术为主导,文化创意为依托,其业务覆盖音乐喷泉、创意水秀、演艺激光、实景演绎、及艺术灯等领域,并凭借强大的技术力量、高质量产品、优质的服务、严谨的工作态度获得了市场及业内的高度认可,为水景行业开启了新纪元,成为水舞声光秀综合项目的领导者。 六通-“中国喷泉设计专家与领导者”,中国喷泉水景委员会常务委员单位、中国演艺设备技术协会会员单位、陕西省照明协会常务委员单位。六通设计团队首创“设备+控制+文化”三为一体的水舞声光秀系统设计理念,专门针对音乐喷泉的硬(软)件、音乐喷泉节目编排、音乐喷泉的运营提出了完美解决方案。 公司拥有专业、经验丰富的设计、艺术、施工团队。并与国内外一流景观团队合作,拥有国际一流的自动化控制技术、水景实验基地艺术创作团队,在控制系统方面,公司基于最新的物联网技术完美解决了远程控制、自动纠错、设备远程巡检的行业难题,在艺术创作流程,凭此优势,成功设计及施工了多项高品质的音乐喷泉项目,每一个项目建成以后,每天都吸引大量市民游客前来观赏,为周边商业带来了巨大的人气,帮助业主实现了:顶级水景表演--巨量人气--构建商业生态--地域商业价值提升的全流程,形成市民、政府、地产商、商家多方共赢的局面。