

《阿拉丁》杂志 2013-12-17 188

摘要:Soho犹太教会堂位于美国纽约克罗斯比街43号,由国际知名设计师Dror Benshetrit操刀进行室内改造设计。设计师以现代且随意的设计语言活化传统和基本的功能元素。原时装精品店店面的条纹状橱窗让人不禁联想到条形码或犹太教男士晨祷时的披巾和祈祷袍上独有的线性图样,其在空间的运用为祈祷者提供了必要的私密性。



  Project Information


  Location:43 crosby street,New York


  Interior Design:Dror Benshetrit


  Completion time:July,2011

  Dror Benshetrit:DROR设计公司创始人

  代表作品:Tron Chair、Orange County Restaurant、Levi's Showroom

  文编/张苑兰 Editor/Lancy

  Soho犹太教会堂位于美国纽约克罗斯比街43号,由国际知名设计师Dror Benshetrit操刀进行室内改造设计。考虑到曼哈顿南部犹太人群的开放心态,此次设计改造旨在为社区个人成长和公共交流提供一个身心舒适的社交和宗教服务场所。

  The Soho Synagogue located at 43 crosby street in New York, which was conceived by Dror Benshetrit,the internationally renowned designer who was borned in Israel.



  The striped front window, once used as a fashion boutique, provides privacy to the new house of prayer. These hanging strips are meant to evoke ,both the lines of the tallit shawl that Jewish men wear for praying, as well as the image of bar code.

  走进室内,迎接聚会者的是一条狭长的接待区。接待台由Dror特别设计的白色Qua Dror桌脚支撑,与透明玻璃台面形成鲜明对比,极具雕塑感。接待台对面的墙上镶嵌有许多深浅不一的蓝色瓷砖,砖块上分别刻有教堂捐赠者的姓名。天花的设计传达了设计师传统与现代审美并置的双重主义,集中的线条不断缩小人们的视角,导引人们走向祷告室,均匀排布的定制灯泡嵌身于黑色线条之中,像极了犹太宗教仪式中所用的多连灯烛台,抑或是现代城市中的地铁线路图。

  Congregants are welcomed by a long narrowing reception area featuring a sculptural desk that consists of two white Qua Dror feet ,which provide a contrast to the transparent glass top. Across from this signature piece is a wall installation of bricks painted in varying shades of blue that display the names of donors who made the synagogue possible. The converging lines on the ceiling contribute to the narrowing perspective of the corridor that leads to the prayer room. The fitted light bulbs and dark lines drawn on the ceiling of this space can resemble a menorah or the modern grid of a subway map.[NT:PAGE]


  穿过入口走道后便进入一个金属楼梯平台,呈现眼前的是一个豁然开朗的大空间,那是信徒们虔诚祈祷的祷告室。从平台俯瞰井然有序的祷告室,首先映入眼帘的便是位于正前方的犹太教Torah圆弧。教律圆弧由两个重叠的圆环组成,每个圆环内各有一个三角板。两个圆环时而重叠时而分离,重叠为一体时,两个三角板便组成一个大卫之星(犹太教的六芒星,犹太教与犹太文化的标志)。在教律圆弧的中心位置,放置有时装设计师Yigal Azrouel设计的一件衣服。设计师对宗教元素的如此诠释恰恰体现了他对人们生活环境变迁的敏锐洞察力。

  Once passing through the corridor, visitors arrive at the top of a steel and glass stairwell opening the view and the path to the under-leveled sanctuary. From the top of the stairs overlooking the prayers room, directly in front of the viewer is the Torah Arc, made from overlapping circles that slide open and close, each holding one of the triangles that form the star of David when they are closed and overlapping one another. Fashion designer Yigal Azrouel selected and wrapped the fabric on the torah arc. This interpretation of the religious element conducts dror's consistent sensitivity for transfomation and motion in objects of our living environment.




  Art on the walls consists of a series of panels, which the congregants can unhang and fold into chairs or coffee tables. Within this space, Dror has interpreted his own idea of the prayer benches with comfortable beige low-couches. The sanctuary atmosphere, traditionally created by the light of the stained-glass window, is created with single retro-style edison bulbs.


  Within the prayers room, Dror decided to leave the industrial elements of the pre-existing building's pipes exposed as a means of accentuate the brick walls. Seven aligned brick-squares found within the wall foundation, create a fresco representing a menorah. His intentions for this are to embrace and integrate the history and nature of the architectural shell that hosts the religious space.


  For this project, Dror has played with dual meanings through the overall artistic direction of the space and its design details.


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