

2020-04-12 92
















本项目针对画舫船的建筑特征,采用定制化设计,凸显画舫的建筑风格和项目属性。所有灯具产品均为项目量身定制,共采用定制LED瓦檐灯314盏,定制LED洗墙灯72套、定制LED线条灯26套,定制LED射灯34盏。 LED瓦檐灯体按照瓦片形状定制,内置发光源,外观呈现项目定制logo,外壳呈金黄色,整体灯具由顶部瓦檐射灯和檐口装饰灯两部分组成,装饰灯体部分采用树脂一体注塑成型,装饰面为西湖“三潭印月”立体画面效果设计,表面金黄色喷涂处理,白天为画舫檐口的瓦面效果装饰,晚上亮灯时,淡蓝光透过树脂形成氛围装饰。另,瓦檐射灯照亮船体瓦面,呈现金碧辉煌的效果。其中,瓦檐射灯和檐口装饰灯为两个独立回路供电,可单一效果点亮,也可整体点亮,形成不同的亮灯效果控制。 LED洗墙灯根据项目现场结构设计偏配光效果、根据檐口尺寸精准定制灯具长度,灯具安装于画舫檐口内侧,灯体外观颜色喷涂成与画舫本体一致。 LED围栏线条灯安装于画舫栏板外侧,根据栏板间隔尺寸精准定制灯具长度,灯体外观颜色根据画舫栏杆定制喷涂,灯具采用两端出线方式,两端出线通过栏板外侧立柱过孔与下条灯具连接,有效解决了灯具及电源线的隐藏问题,白天灯体颜色与栏板颜色一体,晚上亮灯后对栏板浮雕进行效果照明。 LED小射灯安装于画舫二层平台外侧栏板立柱外侧,灯体外观颜色根据栏板立柱颜色定制,灯具带防眩遮光罩,有效避免对二层游客造成炫光影响。灯具定制特殊安装支架安装于船头翘角内侧,照射画舫船头兽头造型。 该项目所有线缆采用低烟无卤阻燃电缆,通过提前预埋方式、避免管线外漏影响整体美观效果。对不同灯具进行分回路控制,确保不同时间或节日的亮灯效果模式。全部亮灯时功率约4KW,灯具均采用低压DC24输入、IP67防护等级,采用IP67防水LED开关电源进行低压供电,确保供电使用安全。

Aiming at the architectural features of the painting boat, this project adopts customized design to highlight the architectural style and project attributes of the painting boat. All lighting products are tailor-made for the project, using a total of 314 custom LED tile eaves lights, 72 custom LED wall washer lights, 26 custom LED line lights, and 34 custom LED spot lights. The LED tile eaves light body is customized according to the shape of the tile, with built-in light source, the appearance shows the custom logo of the project, the shell is golden yellow, the overall lamp is composed of the top tile eaves spotlight and the cornice decoration lamp, and the decoration lamp body part is injection molded with resin Formed, the decorative surface is the three-dimensional picture effect design of the "Three Pools and the Moon" of the West Lake, and the surface is painted with golden yellow. It is decorated with the tile surface effect of the painted cornice in the daytime. When the lights are lit at night, the light blue light passes through the resin to form the atmosphere decoration. In addition, tile eaves spotlights illuminate the hull tile surface, showing a brilliant effect. Among them, tile eaves spotlights and cornice decorative lights provide power for two independent circuits, which can be illuminated by a single effect or can be illuminated as a whole to form different lighting effect control. The LED wall washer is designed with partial light distribution effect according to the project site structure, and the length of the lamp is accurately customized according to the size of the cornice. The lamp is installed inside the painting of the cornice, and the appearance color of the lamp body is painted to be consistent with the painting. LED fence line lights are installed on the outside of the painting fence, the length of the lamp is accurately customized according to the spacing of the fence, the appearance color of the lamp body is painted according to the painting fence, the lamps are used at both ends, and the outlets at both ends pass through the outer column through holes and under the fence The connection of the lamps and lanterns effectively solves the hidden problem of lamps and power cords. The color of the lamp body and the color of the railing are integrated during the day, and the relief of the railing is illuminated after the light is lit at night. The LED spotlights are installed on the outside of the fence column of the second floor of the painting. The appearance color of the lamp body is customized according to the color of the fence column. The lamp is equipped with an anti-glare hood to effectively avoid the glare impact on the tourists on the second floor. The custom-made special mounting bracket for lamps is installed on the inside of the bow angle of the bow to illuminate the shape of the bow and beast head. All cables of this project use low-smoke halogen-free flame-retardant cables, which can be embedded in advance to avoid pipeline leakage and affect the overall aesthetic effect. Perform sub-loop control on different lamps to ensure the lighting effect mode at different times or festivals. When all lights are turned on, the power is about 4KW. The lamps use low-voltage DC24 input and IP67 protection level. The IP67 waterproof LED switching power supply is used for low-voltage power supply to ensure the safety of power supply.





1. All the lamps used in the project use LED light sources, and the lamp efficiency is more than 90%. According to the national lamp standard (GB7000), the light efficiency of LED light sources has been greatly improved at this stage. Compared with traditional lamps, the energy saving is more than 60%.

2. Customized optical lens, improve the utilization rate of light by more than 20%, further achieve energy saving effect, at the same time reduce glare and achieve a more perfect design effect.

3.Through the combination of manual control and automatic control, multiple lighting circuits are controlled separately, and multiple lighting modes are combined to achieve overall energy saving of the project.





1. The design of the project is in line with the atmosphere of the overall night scene lighting of the West Lake, "elegant", "quiet" and "delicate", reflecting the cruise ship acteristics of the South style. Among the numerous boats in the West Lake, the night scene is unique, and expressed in a simple and multi-level design method.

2. The use of warm light as the main tone highlights the simple and elegant m of the painting boat, expressing the key points of the corrugated roof, gable wall, partition column, railing and bucket arch, forming a layered light and color effect as a whole, breaking the traditional design method of painting boat.

3. All the lamps designed in this project are customized according to the carrier, and the lamp and carrier structure are integrated to present an integrated design, including lamp body shape, light distribution angle, lamp body color and installation method, etc., so that the lamp and the painting are integrated into one, and the light is not seen light.


本次项目的设计与实施受到业主和游客的好评,特别是灯具造型及安装方式的定制,解决了客户对项目白天效果的担忧,将白天的美延续到夜晚,富有江南韵味。 项目于2018年7月开始运行,每晚6点30分至9点30分,至今无任何运行故障。相比于业主方其他游船亮化,本项目节电至少30%,且效果得到众多游客的亲睐,夜色下,远处的宝石山体被灯光环绕,五光十色的灯光喷泉此起彼伏,画舫被暖色的灯光包围着,淡蓝色的瓦檐灯勾勒出画舫的轮廓,冷暖互补的光影倒影在水波中。这一刻,城市褪去了白天的喧嚣,静谧的夜色与灵动的水影相得益彰,泛舟湖上,临近于此,惊喜溢于心中。

The design and implementation of this project has been well received by the owners and tourists, especially the customization of the lamp shape and installation method, which solves the customers concerns about the projects daytime effect, and extends the beauty of the day to night, full of the South m. The project started operation in July 2018, 6:30 to 9:30 every night, and there has been no operation failure so far. Compared to other owners ’boat lighting, the project saves at least 30% of electricity, and the effect is favored by many tourists. At night, the distant jewel mountain is surrounded by lights, colorful lighting fountains one after another, and the paintings are warm-colored lights Surrounded by light blue tile eaves, the outline of the painting was outlined, and the warm and cold complementary light and shadow reflected in the water waves. At this moment, the city faded away the hustle and bustle of the day, the quiet night and the watery shadows complemented each other, rafting on the lake and near here, the surprise overflowed in my heart.



Hangzhou YISHI lighting engineering design co.,LTD. was established in January 2016. The company aims at "quality service, innovative creativity, meticulous ingenuity, harmonious win-win", innovative management, providing full life cycle design services, project management and implementation . The main business scope includes lighting creative design, urban lighting planning, lighting electrical design, lighting quality assessment and modeling calculation, lighting lamp custom design, and project management and implementation.


ZHEJIANG FOREIGN AFFAIRS TRAVEL CO.,LTD is a subsidiary of ZHEJIANG TOURISM GROUP CO.,LTD.After 60 years of wind and rain, the company is now developed into a comprehensive tourism transportation service enterprise, the business scope covers the airport line, tour bus, cruise ship reception, bus passenger transport, taxi, business car rental, car repair, factory and school bus, Dongqian Lake water tourism, Qiantang River cruise tourism,traffic in Moganshan scenic area and other service areas.