

2020-03-06 213


项目名称: 苏州市澄阳邻里中心泛光设计

Floodlight design of Chengyang neighborhood center in Suzhou

申报单位(或个人): 张震宇


澄阳邻里中心泛光照明设计是位于苏州北部相城区核心区域的一座商业综合体的泛光照明设计,其设计理念是以绚丽变化的极光来烘托其商业氛围,辅以立面流线,凸显动感。立面灯光色温在紫色、蓝色、青色、黄色、粉色之间缓缓变化,模拟极光的动态效果。 Chengyang neighborhood center floodlighting design is the a design of a commercial complex located in the core area of Xiangcheng district in the north of Suzhou . The concept of design is to set the commercial mood with the brilliant change of aurora, and facade streamline shows dynamic. The color temperature of facade light changes slowly among purple, blue, cyan, yellow and pink to simulate the dynamic effect of aurora.


共设计雅江AG650 XALT/XCET 45台。由于墙面有许多广告牌、窗户等开口部,而投光灯的颜色偏向紫色、蓝色,容易对这些开口部造成光污染,所以此处对于灯具的截光性能要求较高。而AG650 XALT/XCET切光灯恰能满足要求,且其可受DMX512系统控制及具有平滑调光功能。再加上立面嵌入式线条灯丰富立面夜间元素,使得整个建筑立面既保证了白天不会因外置灯具受到破坏,又保证了夜间效果的出彩表现。 45 Yajiang AG650 XALT/XCET are designed. Because of many openings on the wall, such as billboards and windows, and the color of the cast light tends to be purple and blue, which is easy to cause light pollution to these openings, so there is a high requirement for the light cutoff performance of the lamps. The AG650 XALT/XCET cutting light can meet the requirements, and it can be controlled by DMX512 system and has smooth dimming function. In addition, the embedded line lights in the facade enrich the night elements of the facade, which not only ensures that the whole building facade will not be damaged by the external lights in the daytime, but also ensures the brilliant performance of the night effect.


申报人:张震宇 毕业于南京航空航天大学 电气工程及自动化专业 从照明行业8年。工程师职称,照明设计师,国家一级注册建造师(市政),国家一级注册消防工程师,设计项目经理。 2019年获得扬子杯优秀照明设计师奖。设计项目回龙窝历史文化街光环境设计获得第十一届祝融奖文旅景观一等奖。铜川市印台区示范片区夜景照明工程获得第十四届中照照明奖优秀奖。 申报单位:中衡设计集团股份有限公司(原苏州工业园区设计研究院股份有限公司)创立于1995年,现注册资金2.7亿人民币,是“中国-新加坡苏州工业园区”的首批建设者,全过程亲历者、见证者和实践者。2014年12月31日公司于上交所成功上市,成为国内建筑设计领域第一家IPO上市公司。
