

2019-04-02 15

摘要:“超轴线”公共艺术灯光照明工程,为野城建筑事务所 2019神灯奖申报工程。



  申报单位:野城建筑事务所 Wild City Factory 

  项目地址:南京青奥广场  Nanjing Youth Olympic Plaza

  设计单位: 野城建筑事务所 Wild City Factory





As a super-scaled public art lighting instrument designed by Ye Cheng, an architect studied and worked in France once, for the first Nanjing Youth Olympic Lighting Art Festival, the Super Axis dynamic art lighting instrument takes shape such an over length instrument through the Youth Olympic Square with dual conception both on urban history and urban space, and with the deep consideration on the historical magnificence and contemporary characteristics of the Youth Olympic axis. It shall also be the groundbreaking urban public artistic works with the urban parlor idea of Jiangye district, Hexi area.

青奥广场的水平超轴线与青奥中心双塔楼的垂直轴线遥相呼应,相得益彰。整个灯光设计充分考虑了青奥文脉和场域在地性,充满活力和现代感,并与青奥历史文脉和城市环境融为一体。 超轴线更与青奥地标九骏马雕塑进行对话,传统雕塑和现代灯光装置共同建构了一组新作品。这条超长的灯光装置贯穿380米长的草坪,犹如九骏马奔腾拖曳出的彩带,幻化成“光”的时代征程。涌动起伏的灯带富有韵律美感,将“划时代”这样的宏大主题,以一种诗意和未来感的方式简单而又轻松地呈现出来。

The horizontal Super Axis of the Youth Olympic Square echoes with the vertical axis of the Youth Olympic Center twin towers of at a distance, making the contrast and complement with each other. It is fully considered on the whole lighting design to the cultural context and site locality with vitality and sense of modernity, and inosculation of the Youth Olympic historical context and urban environment as a whole. There is dialogue between the Super Axis and the Youth Olympic landmark, the 9 fine horses statue, and the traditional statue and modern lighting instrument make up a new set of works. Like the colored belts dragged out by the 9 running fine horses through the lawn of 380 meters long, this particularly long lighting instrument miraculously transforms into the modern journey of light. With the rhythm beauty up and down, it represents the epochal master themes in a way of poetic and future sense with simplicity and ease.


Constituted by 2000 lampposts high and low, and extended as 2 rhythmical colored belts as long as 333.333..... meters, this extra long lighting instrument takes the number 3 from Chinese traditional philosophy of All Things Begot from 3, and the infinite number in unit of 3 means the lighting colored belts running to the future through ancient and modern times, lingering in the long river of time.


This is an experiment of the artistic lighting for urban public space combined by technology and art as well as the intelligent lighting system of urban space. With program controlled dynamic LED lighting, the whole lighting instrument could show the skipping lighting game like playing piano with various gorgeous color changing effect, and strike the correct time with cool lighting by every half an hour on time. The parallel lighting belts intersects in high and low, and in light and shade, with different levels as a flaring landscape scroll of science-fiction.



Size of the square lawn: 380 meters long,24 meters wide

灯带方阵尺寸:长333.333......米, 宽5米,高约1至4米

Size of the light belt matrix: 333.333 meters long,5 meters wide and about 1-4 meters high


Distance between the axes of the 2 lampposts: 33.333...... centimeters


Amount of lampposts: 2000

灯带条数:4000条 (双面溶光LED灯带)

Amount of light belts: 4000 (2-sided LED light dissolving belts)


Total length of light belts: 4000 meters




This public art lighting fixtures in different spaces such as urban public spaces, green islands, plazas, parks, roads, highways, airports, river embankments, etc., enhance the artistic sense and futuristic of the urban environment. It can also be used as a large-scale lighting art work in lighting exhibitions to carry out the whole artistic atmosphere.



Smart light pole: LED light strip, with parameterized programming to control 2000 with the light pole, the light pole forms an undulating long pole of the light pole, achieving dozens of different dynamic lighting combination changes. The light poles can also be freely combined into different shapes, which can be linear super long arrays, circular rings, or any other pattern. The dynamic effects of programming are also specifically designed for different combinations of patterns.








野城建筑事务所(Wild City Factory)创始人/主持建筑师

野城毕业于南京大学地球科学系,赴法考入巴黎建筑专业学院(ESA),毕业作品获ESA年度大奖。他先后在多家国际前沿建筑事务所工作,曾任巴黎国立高等装饰艺术学院(ENSAD)研究员,法国艺术家协会会员。他是首位获得法兰西学院艺术院士院(Académie des Beaux-Arts, Institut de france)“青年艺术家奖”的中国人。

作为近年来活跃于国内外的年轻一代建筑师策展人,野城从他丰富的创作实践和参展经验中摸索出一套与众不同的策展思路,力图打破建筑、艺术与设计的界限,并以跨学科、跨疆域的展览比较学方法进行策展工作。同时野城的建筑师身份更让展览的空间设计与策展思路无缝对接,最大限度地表现展览意图和贯彻展览内容。野城曾于2014年中法建交50周年协助文化部在法国里昂举办中国当代建筑展,并作为同年里昂Dock Art Fair摄影年展中国单元的联合策展人。2015年作为北京国际设计周主场策展人进行跨界策展。为纪念托马斯·莫尔发表《乌托邦》500周年,2016年野城在上海喜玛拉雅美术馆策划了以年轻建筑师艺术家为主的“重构乌托邦”未来城市建筑展。2018年他在深圳华美术馆策划了由中国最有代表性的建筑师和艺术家参展的“重构乌托邦”建筑艺术大展。此外他还与国内外展览机构合作进行独立策展和学术研究。


2003年以来,野城的百余首诗歌作品发表于《北京文学》《诗选刊》《新诗刊》《绿风》《海峡》《伯乐》《天南文学双月刊》等文学刊物。数十篇建筑、艺术、设计、电影等领域的评论文章发表于《时代建筑》《建筑创作》《城市空间 设计》《UED》《Abitare》《世界建筑导报》《艺术新闻》《中国艺术时空》《周末画报》《外滩画报》《知日》等期刊及《看不见的城市 “深双”十年研究》《城市山水》等文集。野城更探索用建筑小说的形式去阐述他脑洞大开的城市建筑未来学理念。

他在2014年提出“超景观”(Hyper Landscape)未来城市形态,并用于浮流城(Flow City)的生态城市设计。他的“虫洞城市”理论提出“拥散文化”“闲散空间”的概念,这是对库哈斯的大都会”拥挤文化“的瓦解,并对下一个时代的城市空间和社会形态提出诗意构想。


Ye Cheng

France-based architect,curator,poet,artist, critic,futurist

Founder/Chief Architect of Wild City Factory

YE Cheng, graduated from Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University. And later he went to Ecole Spéciale dArchitecture (ESA) in Paris. His graduation works won the ESA best diploma award. He worked in several cutting-edge achitectural offices and served as a researcher of Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD) in Paris. He is also the first among Chinese that won the Award for Young Artists by Académie des Beaux-Arts of LInstitut de France.

Emerging as one of the young architects and curators active nationally and internationally, Ye Cheng has developed his unique curation concept through his rich experience in creation activities and shows he partic.