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Kevan Shaw:灯光的魅力在于它带来了不一样的体验

2015-07-10 作者: 来源:《阿拉丁》杂志 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 1989年,Kevan回到家乡爱丁堡,创建自己的公司KSLD,从事建筑照明与展示照明的设计。迄今为止,他和他的团队已经完成了大大小小590多个项目,广受好评。

  Alighting: What is your design philosophy?


  Kevan Shaw: We have a practice philosophy “Sharing the Light”. This is about gaining an understanding of what the client or design team want to see and also sharing our knowledge and experience of light and lighting with them and others including students of lighting.


  Alighting: How to balance the functionality and aesthetics in lighting design?


  Kevan Shaw: On a knife edge! This is really where our knowledge and skills come to the forefront. Each project will require this balance subtly altering to achieve both a beautiful and practical result.

  K.S.: 走在刀刃上!这正是展现我们知识与技能的竞技场。每个项目都需要这样的平衡,通过一些细节的巧妙处理,达到美观与实用的双重效果。

  Alighting: Have you ever been to China? How do you like the urban lighting design in China?


  Kevan Shaw: I have been a few times. There are some very spectacular and visually busy lighting installations. I think this shows a rather young and excited approach to the available technologies reflecting the very rapid economic development of the country. I cannot say whether it is good or bad, you need to ask the people who live with it, do they like it and enjoy it?

  K.S.: 我去过中国好几次。有些城市的夜景照明看起来非常壮观,而且非常热闹。我想,这种对可用技术显现出年轻而兴奋的趋向性,也反应出中国经济的飞速发展。我无法说这是好还是坏。这个问题应该问城市居民,他们是否喜欢身边的灯光。

  Alighting: What do you think of the lighting profession in Europe?


  Kevan Shaw: I think it is still developing. There has been a bit of a setback due to the economic situation over the past five or six years. It is growing in maturity and there are some good education programs bringing younger people into the profession with a good fundamental knowledge of lighting. I think there remains a lot of scope for further development given some stability returning to the economies in Europe.

  K.S.: 我认为还是在持续发展的。过去的五六年间,由于经济的衰退也呈现出一定程度的倒退,但是行业是在不断地成熟,现在有一些很好的教育项目,吸引了有良好照明基础知识的年轻人从事这个职业。我想,待欧洲恢复经济,这个行业将会有很大的发展空间。

  Alighting: Did you do the lighting design for your own house? What is it like?


  Kevan Shaw: I live in a flat built over 200 years ago with many original features. The lighting is fairly simple and uses traditional lighting positions and many floor and furniture mounted lamps for flexibility. I have a bit of a collection of classic designer lights that I like and use. It would be different if I could build a house for myself, then I would have lighting fully integrated into the design from the beginning but I would still keep some of the classic design fittings I have now.

  K.S.: 我住在一间有着200年以上历史的公寓,它有很多原始的特征。灯光设计很简单,灯具大多安装在传统的照明位置上,比如地板啊,家具啊,注重灯光的灵活性。我收藏了一些经典的灯饰设计,这些是我比较喜欢的,也是经常用的。如果我自己建一个房子就会不一样。我会从设计之初就完全融于灯光的元素,同时还是会保留一些我现在使用的经典灯饰。

  Alighting: Could you share with us some of your favorite projects?


  Kevan Shaw: This is difficult as I always have most enthusiasm for the projects I am working on at the moment. We have just completed a scheme for the Scottish Parliament building that has been very challenging but the results are really appreciated by the people who work there, I don’t think I have ever had so many people thanking me for the outcome of a project before. I am proud of all my projects no matter how small or large.

  K.S.: 这个问题很难回答。我总是对目前在做的项目抱有最大的热情。我们刚刚完成了一个苏格兰议会大厦的项目,非常有挑战性,但结果很受认可。从来没有如此多人对我的设计作品表示出如此多的感谢。我为我的每个项目,无论大小,都感到骄傲。

  Last week I visited the Turell Skyspace at Craignour Estate in the North of Scotland. These Skyspaces are real triumphs of lighting experience and even worth the freezing cold and wind-blown snow that we experienced on this trip! I have seen a few and each one seems to capture the different skies and climatic variations of their locations.

  日前,我参观了苏格兰北部Craignour郡的“James Turrell Skyspace”装置艺术,一路都风雪交加,寒气逼人,但这些天宇的灯光设计是真正的鼓舞,让我们觉得不虚此行。我看了几个,每一个都似乎捕捉到了不同的天空以及不同位置的气候变化。

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