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Kevan Shaw:灯光的魅力在于它带来了不一样的体验

2015-07-10 作者: 来源:《阿拉丁》杂志 浏览量: 网友评论: 0

摘要: 1989年,Kevan回到家乡爱丁堡,创建自己的公司KSLD,从事建筑照明与展示照明的设计。迄今为止,他和他的团队已经完成了大大小小590多个项目,广受好评。

  Alighting: You have been in the lighting industry for over 30 years. What’s the biggest change of both the industry and yourself?


  Kevan Shaw: I think there have been several. Probably the most important has been the gradual acceptance that the independent lighting designer has become a recognized part of the building design team. When I started out in architectural lighting I had to explain exactly what I was bringing to a project every time, these days most architects and engineers have previously worked with a lighting designer so the conversation is a bit easier.

  K.S.: 我认为还是有不少变化的。最重要的变化也许是对于独立灯光设计师作为建筑设计团队的一部分的认知已逐渐被接受。当我刚开始从事建筑灯光设计时,每次都得详尽解释我能为建筑设计带来什么。如今大部分建筑师与工程师都有过与灯光设计师合作的经验,因此对话起来就容易多了。

  Technologically I have seen the rise and fall of many different products and technologies over my career. Certainly the focus on energy efficiency has grown and legislation increased. I have to spend much more time on compliance and understanding how to achieve the requirements now. As in every area of life, technology has become increasingly complex. This has all been part of the continuous learning process that is lighting design. Back in the 80s low voltage lighting with transformers was new technology, now we are close to having a computer inside every light fitting to control LEDs!


  For myself, I feel older in body but lighting design keeps my young and enquiring in mind and spirit.


  Alighting: Many of your articles focus on technology and some of them concern about LED. What do you think of the future of lighting technology?


  Kevan Shaw: I do think we are seeing a very unstable market with products claiming operating lives of 15 to 25 years; however these only stay available for a year or so without being changed or upgraded. The problems include trying to write a specification during design for a project where construction is 1 or 2 years ahead, frequently the products you have specified are no longer available. The other issue is that we have been used to lighting equipment that can last 30 years or more and changing the failing component, the lamp at regular intervals. Now we are putting in schemes that we expect to have reached end of effective life after 10 to 15 years, at which point there is no replacement but the scheme will need to be replaced in its entirety. This is the same kind of planned obsolescence that exists in the consumer domain though on a longer time frame than your computer, mobile phone or car. I think we are still being promised too much. A lot of products that will never materialize in the way we are led to expect, OLED for general lighting is one of the big ones.

  K.S.: 我确实认为我们面对的是一个十分不稳定的市场,有些产品宣称有长达15至25年的寿命,但是如果这些产品不升级,那在项目中的实际使用年限也只一年左右。当我们试图为项目拟写设计规范时,如果项目的建设期是1至2年,那届时指定的产品可能已经不生产了。另一个问题是,我们已经习惯了使用寿命30年及以上的产品,定期维修,更换损坏元件与灯泡。现在,我们将预期10至15年寿命的产品设计入方案,届时没有可更换的产品,则整个设计方案都需要被替换。这会是有计划的淘汰,在电脑、手机、汽车等消费领域是已经普遍存在的现象。我想,我们被承诺得太多了。很多产品将永远不会如我们所期望的实现,比如OLED作用于普通照明就是其中之一。

  Alighting: What do you think is the most important factor in lighting design?


  Kevan Shaw: Understanding how people see and react to the lighting you are designing. This is another area with a lot of new information developing, much from the rediscovery of the third photoreceptor and the implications on health and wellbeing of how the lighting we design can affect the pattern of sleep and probably other systems that we are still learning about.

  K.S.: 理解人们如何看待你的设计,并会如何反应。这个领域有很多新的信息,来源于第三感光的重新发现,灯光对健康的影响,我们设计的灯光如何影响睡眠模式,以及其他我们正在研究学习的系统等等。

  Understanding how we see is also a developing area. Just this week we have seen the internet show this with the meme of the dress. Different people see this image either as white and gold or as blue and black, this will doubtlessly result in some interesting research and new information on how we see.


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